2022 – The Year of Zero Fraud and Corruption
Fraud and Corruption are the source of all evil in any organization. Not only do they abuse organizational resources, they tend to rob honest employees, suppliers even customers from fair opportunities to conduct business that is the in best interest of the organization.
Fraud is not limited to someone skimming a few dollars from a cash register; unfortunately it is more sophisticated than that and it has taken forms that many are used to as part of the day to day activities, e.g. attending to personal matters while you are at work and using organization’s resources to that effect ticks two boxes of misappropriation of assets and unlawful receipt of wages.
Broadly Fraud encompasses “according to the ACFE”:
- Corruption
- Asset Misappropriation
- Financial Statement Fraud
We endeavor to have 2022 mark the start of a war against fraud and corruption in corporates.
Contact us only if you are advocates of fair workplaces and trade practices.
#Fraud #Corruption #2022 #UAE #KSA #Qatar