It is time for Real Risk Management
Change is too fast for a tick-the-box solution
Unless one is hiding under rock, it is impossible not to notice the speed at which the economic, political and sociological landscapes are changing around us.
Less than two months into 2022 and the #UAE has announced the introduction of #Corporate_Income_Tax, legalized the gaming industry, emphasized the commitment to sustainability by embarking on #UAE_NET_ZERO_2050 initiative, and imposing charges on the one-time-use plastic bags, and the list continues with the different initiatives that are designed to attract different demographics into the economy e.g. updating the labor law, allowing full foreign ownership of companies.
These changes are expected to be the tip of an ice berg; and organizations need to be well positioned to proactively prepare for such dynamic changes. Hence, the “Tick-the-box-Yuppy I have risk management” is of no use anymore, or at least should not be.
We will transform your risk management function and unleash the value to your organization.
#riskmanagement #transformation #organizational_value #tax #sustainability #economy