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We live in a digital age where having, maintaining and protecting organizations’ digital footprints has become a necessity rather than a “nice-to-have”. Organizations’ online presence, branding and service offerings determine their competitive advantage over others in the marketplace, and impact stakeholders’decisions including investors and regulators.

The increased dependence on technology, change in demographics and millennials joining the workforce haves presented new opportunities and talents that bring fresh and innovative ideas and methods into the marketplace.

Social media has had profound impact on the business landscape by introducing efficient channels of communication leading to wider customer reach and marketing.

Public sector institutions, in their efforts to enhance value for the public, joined the race of digital advancements and innovation by transforming a progressively increasing set of service offerings into online and smart services.

The race for digital and technological supremacy is at its peak, with new technology rendering older ones redundant and spiking a wave of new investment and capital spending that organizations need to proactively plan for.

Hence it has become imperative that organizations would proactively manage digital risks through proper governance and effective control environment; on the other hand, embrace the opportunities the digital age presents by incubating and nourishing innovation.

At Risktal we understand the importance of seizing the opportunities that the digital space has to offer for your business. We are also cognizant of the fact that these opportunities cannot be optimized unless you have a reliable advisor and partner who would help you seamlessly cultivate these advantages to your business and turn them from vision to reality.

Having strong partnership in place with leaders in the digital space, we are confident that Risktal is your advisor of choice in digital services by  assisting you:

Deliver positive Impressions with Website

With over 3 billion people online, the web is where your business needs to be. Any business whether large or small that does not own a professionally designed website is missing out on a powerful marketing tool which also helps to establish the credibility of the business.

There is no one-size-fits-all template for website development as each business has different tactics and unique qualities. Moreover, new technologies and design trends are propagated at lightening pace and staying ahead of the game is the real challenge.

Mobilize to Empower Business

As more and more businesses become aware of the growing importance of a mobile app, many are still in the dark to as to what it actually is, how it can skyrocket sales and what the actual benefits of data driven mobile app development are.

Make life easier for your customers by offering them a fuss free mobile experience that delivers on their expectations.  Mobile apps open up an avalanche of new business dimensions and opportunities because of the way they are used. You can identify new possibilities in resolving customer issues and fulfilling client needs. This drives innovation and gives way to new products and services.

If done right, mobile applications can turn your engaged customers into revenue generating ones.  And that’s a fact.

Out of the box Web Solutions

There are plenty of situations where traditional software based applications and systems could be made more efficient and faster by migrating them to a web based application.

Web applications deliver many business benefits compared to traditional applications. The web-based applications assist businesses to automatically manage their businesses online and enable them to utilize the additional time with other beneficial activities. This eventually benefits in increasing the turnover.

Focused on Reach and Visibility

Digital communication is the most effective communication medium ever and a well-managed digital marketing strategy could bring fantastic returns. In order for businesses to dominate markets and stay relevant they need to consider many types of marketing strategies including Social Media Promotion, Pay-per-click Marketing, Email Marketing, Display Advertising, Search Engine Optimization and Conversion Rate Optimization.  Identifying the perfect partner for your marketing strategy is half the battle done.

Branding Services

Compile a brand image by assessing what your service is about and the wants and needs of your customers. A well designed logo that perfectly reflects the business gives a strong foundation for your marketing efforts. Clear, clean print business stationery like business cards, letterheads and brochures takes the marketing success closer to reality.

Fast Servers and Faster Connections

Millions and trillions of individuals and businesses have realized the potential of the digital world and are shooting up every minute for their global presence. Domain registration is the first step you take to establish your business — and picking the right domain name does exactly that. A dedicated hosting service dictated by the unique needs of the client result in stable websites available 24 x 7 on the internet. Aside from having fast servers and fast connections, the website hosting demands inexpensive support services as well.

How can
help you

RISKTAL has been established acknowledging the importance of embracing the digital age and innovation whilst proactively managing associated risks; the brand RISKTAL combines "RISK" and Digi-"TAL" and we can help you with a set of specialist services in the following:

  • Digital strategy
  • Digital optimization
  • Data analytics
  • Digital audit
  • Digital transformation
  • Digital reputation protection
  • Innovation strategy
  • Awareness and training
  • Innovation program execution
  • Reporting optimization
  • Website Design and Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Web App Development
  • eCommerce Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Online and Offline Corporate Branding
  • Domain Registration and Web Hosting
  • E
    12 Mar